Those who struggle with eating disorders are far from alone: in a group of 100 teens age 16-19, four females and one male will be diagnosed with an eating disorder.
[SUSTAINABILITY & ETHICS] Reviewing the Marine Debris Tracker app
Citizen science is research conducted by the public. Now, you can aid the fight against plastic pollution by researching it yourself. The Mississippi River Cities and Towns Initiative, also known as the Mayors of the Mississippi River, partnered with the United Nations Environment Program, the National Geographic Society, and the University of Georgia to create an accessible way for the general public to battle plastic pollution by gathering data along the Mississippi River.
[SUSTAINABILTY & ETHICS] Administration sets ambitious environmental goals. Will they succeed?
Biden/Harris made it clear from day one of their campaign that climate change would be at the top of their list for issues to change in America.
Increased vaccinations will not transform policies
Many students are getting the COVID-19 vaccine, however, the increased vaccinations aren’t going to change the school’s COVID-19 rules.
Speaker Day brings together different perspectives on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Kevin Reese
Kevin Reese is the Director of Criminal Justice and Prison Justice Organizer at Voices for Racial Justice. He is an 2018 AWP intro Journals project award winner for poetry published in the Hayden Ferry Review. He has a running column in the Minnesota Spokesman Recorder. His writing is centered around humanity, organizing, transformative movements, and ancestral visionary poetry.
Immigration in the community: students share their experiences
Sophomore Naysa Kalugdan and junior Davyd Barchuk share their experiences with immigration into the United States.
[SUSTAINABILITY & ETHICS] Prioritizing vaccinations for elders? It’s not as simple as it seems
March 18, 2021 – RubicOnline COVID-19 vaccinations are currently underway with over 1.2 million Minnesotans who have received at least one dose and 750,000 people with a completed vaccine series. The state’s decision to focus on age groups has caused 91% of the vaccinated population to be white people while only 82% of the total […]
Power outage on Randolph Campus, students released for the day
A tree knocked down a line on Davern. Uncertainty about when power could be reliably restored prompted the cancellation of afternoon classes.
An athlete, a social justice warrior… a role model for our generation
February 27, 2021 – RubicOnline Naomi Osaka: the female championship athlete of our generation. At the age of 22 in 2019, she was the highest-paid female athlete in the world. The Associated Press’s Female Athlete of 2020. A four-time Grand Slam winner as of Feb. 20 when she beat American Jennifer Brady in the Australian […]
[SUSTAINABILITY & ETHICS] Vegan leather is no better than leather
While synthetic leather technology has improved in the past decade, vegan leather does not live up to its sustainable reputation.