President-Elect Joe Biden promises to dedicate $2 trillion over the four-year presidential term towards climate change initiatives. Here are eight of his goals.
Students react to historic 2020 election
For over a week, the election was the main topic of conversation in the St. Paul Academy and Summit School community.
Anderson talks pandemic school safety
Paul Anderson is an occupational and preventive medicine physician at Health Partners and medical director to several companies in the Twin Cities.
St. Paul march calls for the protection of black women
Over 100 people attended the Protect Black Women Rally & March in St. Paul on Oct. 10.
Taking a job during a pandemic: Ken McNish
The new athletic director reflects on his experience of taking a job in the midst of a pandemic.
Doctor explains how outside affects social distancing
Dr. John Hick, medical director for disaster preparedness at Hennepin Healthcare, said wearing masks is a crucial step to limiting the spread of coronavirus.
How do we gain better control and knowledge of COVID-19? Anti-body tests.
How will the country begin to return to normal? Anti-body tests.
COVID-19 changes college admission process
With schools closed, testing requirements are adapted or optional. But will they ever change back?
Spring sports postponed until further notice
While the current stay at home order expires May 4, spring sports hang in the balance.
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