Rubicon Online — February 22, 2022 Cincinnati Bengals versus Los Angeles Rams Superbowl happened Sunday, Feb. 13, and students share their reactions.
What goes on in the ballroom: Sevy Hayes talks Latin dance
November 2, 2021 – RubicOnline
Remembering 9/11 with SPA faculty
In memory of the 20th anniversary of 9/11.
Immigration in the community: students share their experiences
Sophomore Naysa Kalugdan and junior Davyd Barchuk share their experiences with immigration into the United States.
What motivates you?
January 25, 2021 – RubicOnline with Tana Ososki, Zekiah Juliusson, and Lynn Reynolds
Taking a job during a pandemic: Ken McNish
The new athletic director reflects on his experience of taking a job in the midst of a pandemic.
Is animation the future of drawing?
Animation and stop-motion art is where Besse believes the future is.